mercoledì 3 novembre 2010
mercoledì 25 agosto 2010

The Accademia Bridge is one of several bridges crossing the Grande Canal. The bridges are necessities in Venice, where the water flows everywhere, and this one links the Sestiere of San Marco to Dorsiduro. Whether you stay on one side of the canal or the other makes little difference, but it is always nice, however, to find a cozy cheap hotel in Venice within distance of the Accademia Bridge. This lovely wooden structure is popular among locals and tourists alike.
The Ponte degli Scalzi (or Ponte dei Scalzi), literally, "bridge of the barefoot [monks]", is one of only four bridges in Venice to span the Grand Canal.
The bridge connects the sestieri of Santa Croce and Cannaregio. On the north side, Cannaregio, are the Chiesa degli Scalzi (Church of the Barefoot or Discalced Monks) and the Santa Lucia (Ferrovia) railway station. The south side, Santa Croce, is close to the bus station Piazzale Roma.
Piazza San Marco (often known in English as Saint Mark's Square), is the principal square of Venice, Italy, where it is generally known just as "the Piazza". All other urban spaces in the city (except the Piazzetta) are called campi. The Piazzetta (the 'little Piazza') is an extension of the Piazza towards the lagoon in its south east corner (see plan). The two spaces together form the social religious and political centre of Venice and are commonly both considered together.
sabato 19 giugno 2010
Well who doesn't want palabok?I'm a pansit lover and palabok is one that i love eating.It's been about 6 years since the last time i've tasted my last palabok.It has been a very long time isn't it?So i've finally decided to cook it myself.You must be thinking if i'm a good cook?I'm not.I juz learned a few things from my gf and by watching others cook, and trying to cook them by myself.And thanks to the internet, just 1 click and we can find the recipes we need.
Usually i follow recipes from as usual i somehow followed his steps in cooking palabok.At first i was kinda excited of what the result would be.And i'm very glad all the hard work had a good result.I was very happy that my palabok really tasted like palabok.haha..I've posted some pics here for you to see what came out...
sabato 5 giugno 2010

I have found a dinakdakan recipe on the net which is almost the same as how i prepare it.Here it is :
Dinakdakan Ingredients:
Pig’s meat (ear, tongue, face)
White onion; chopped Ginger; chopped
Salt and pepper
Kalamansi or lemon juice
Dinakdakan Cooking Instructions:
Boil pork until half cooked. Strain and grill until brown. Sliced into 1” long and 1/4” thick (or your desired sizes). Place in a bowl and then add onion, ginger, and lemon or kalamansi juice. Mix well with mayonnaise. Season with salt and pepper according to taste.
Cooking Tip:
If pork's brain is available, use it instead of the mayonnaise for a more delicious and tasty dinakdakan.
Wrap the brain in an aluminum foil and grill until medium cooked. Blend in the dinakdakan and viola! Ready to eat!
..........The photos are the actual photos of the dinakdakan i prepared for dinner tonight.Oh and yeah i used brain here instead of mayo.
Bon Appétit :)

mercoledì 2 giugno 2010

Music is for everybody.To many people in many cultures music is an important part of their way of life.
For me its has been one of my so called passion.Not that im good at it.But since i was young it has been my desire to be somehow good on this craft.I play a little of every common instrument that you can see around.One thing you may get by growing up in the church and being around other musicians.I tried to start playing the keyboard(piano) when i was about 10 years old.But i wasn't improving that much that's why i gave it up.A friend tried teaching us how to play the drums but i still thought it wasn't for me.(i thought it's kinda hard for me for being a left handed).That's the reason i tried learning the guitar.I bought my first guitar at sta. mesa manila when i attended a summer music workshop there(i bought it for P2, 100).It lasted until i went to college.But i accidentally broke it one time i was cooking and playing the same time.I was stupid enough to just put it in the table without checking if it wouldn't slip.Then had a big crack on the side.I gave it to a friend and somehow he fixed it...i think he's still using it until now.
I had the chance to go to italy by 2001 and before i went back to the philippines, my mom bought me a new guitar.It was a YAMAHA APX-5A.We bought it for almost 400euros.It sounds well (too bad i can't play it that well...ahaha).Specially if you connect it on speaker or amplifier.The acoustic sound is really good.She has few scratches now but im glad it is still whole until this time.I hope she will last more and not having the chance to be broken again.I'm thankful for the nine years and still working well.

martedì 1 giugno 2010
Nothing says Italy like its food, and nothing says Italian food like pasta. Wherever Italians have immigrated they have brought their pasta and so today it is basically an international staple.The Italian cuisine
For 6 years of living here in italy i've tasted different kinds of delicious pasta.From meat to vegetables..and to seafoods, they all look good and definitely taste good.I'm a filipino and usually we cook filipino foods at home.But sometimes we miss eating pasta instead of eating the usual rice and ulam tandem.Yesterday was one of those days.My gf came home for the weekend and we've decided to cook pasta for dinner..We tried to make pasta cooked in shrimps and tomatoes.She usually prepares this recipe at work but she uses bigger shrimps.Too bad they dont have it at the market when we went to buy the ingredients.But anyways we were still satisfied at the result.To give you an idea of what we cooked i've also posted some pics here.
venerdì 28 maggio 2010

January 2010...few days more and my b-day was coming..I was wondering what could be a good a good gift to ask for?(not even sure if they will...)then i realized most of the times i really get bored and trying to think of things that would be better to do.One day as i was checking my mails..i was really fascinated by the photos that some people and friends post in multiply.Then it came to my mind...why won't i try to learn a little bit of photography?I really thought it would be fun to learn.So that's how i started to dream of having my own DSLR camera.
So when my day came...i told my mom and my girlfriend that i'd like to have my own cam.And i really thank God for having such wonderful people around was a prayer granted.It took me a few months to wait for it but april 2010..i already got it...Thank you Lord for the blessings...By this time i'm still trying to learn how to use it :D...reading manuals and online tutorials.And i've realized that it wasn't as easy as it looks..hahah..and it's even expensive, even if you only consider it a hobby...
I try to share and post my photos in the link below